Duty Free
Pillitteri Estates Winery is represented internationally in the finest Duty Free Stores around the world. Our products are some of the most sought after premium wine products available, with particular attention given to our Icewine. Icewine is such a distinct and memorable product from the Niagara Region and within Canada that it makes for a unique product to feature in these stores around the world. However, they also carry a wide range of our award winning table wines to ensure there is a wide variety of wines available for your convenience.
Pillitteri is represented by ALFA Brands for all Duty Free related sales and promotion. Based out of Lexington North Carolina, ALFA Brands was established with the purpose of representing manufacturers and distributors from around the world, in the Duty Free/Travel Retail markets. They focus primarily, but not exclusively, on North America. ALFA has a strong commitment to future growth, while having a comprehensive portfolio of products and key contacts throughout the marketplace. These are the foundations of what ALFA Brands offers to companies selected for representation. ALFA Brands has extensive expertise in Duty Free/Travel Retail, particularly in the introduction of new products.
“Exclamation, fits both the new line of Pillitteri wine and its architect, as far as we are concerned. The creative bottle, label, and story could only come from the wine makers at Pillitteri. Over the last 3 years ALFA Brands and Pillitteri have fostered a unique partnership with our team, which has resulted in the implementation of new concepts, merchandising, and duty free exclusives. The addition of Exclamation to our line-up has already become a favorite with our quality oriented customers who are looking for something unique.”
-Steve Richardson
Gen. Manager
Niagara Duty Free
Where you can find our wines:
Thousand Island Duty Free
Johnstown Duty Free
Ambassador Duty Free
Niagara Duty Free
3SIXTY DF (Air Canada On Board)
Windsor Tunnel Duty Free
Blue Water Bridge Duty Free
Peace Bridge Duty Free
International Shoppes Duty Free
Carisam (Disney Cruise Lines)
Peninsula Duty Free
DFS Ventures
Boutique Hors Taxes De La Beauce
Boutique Hors Taxes De L’Est
Sault Ste. Marie Duty Free
ALFA Brands, Inc.
5910 La Rosa Lane
Apollo Beach, FL
33572 USA
Tel / Fax: 813-641-8877
Email: fgabriele@alfadutyfree.com